Is SkinPen remodelling worth the hype? | Oakville Plastic Surgery – Dr. Nancy de Kleer


Is SkinPen remodelling worth the hype?

Is SkinPen remodelling worth the hype?
Discover the truth about this microneedling treatment and how it actually works.

Just like you, we expect skincare treatments to keep their promises.
That’s why we do our research, and only offer our clients science-backed treatments that stand up to the hype.

Here’s what we know about SkinPen Remodelling, and how to tell if it’s right for you.

How does SkinPen work?
SkinPen is a non-surgical, microneedling treatment that remodels skin through the use of tiny, precise micro-punctures that get to the source of your skin concerns. This procedure stimulates the skin’s natural healing processes to treat a wide array of skin concerns; including uneven texture, scarring, aging, wrinkles, a dull complexion, and more.

It’s non-invasive with zero downtime.
Transformative microneedling treatments like SkinPen do more with less time needed. SkinPen remodelling appointments are easily scheduled over a lunchtime break or between your other appointments; a seamless fit for a busy schedule. Many popular products and treatments make big claims but they never get beyond the surface of your skin- and if they do, they may require lengthy downtime or uncomfortable procedures. We all want our treatments to spark a change that reaches beyond the surface of our skin, but that doesn’t have to mean undergoing an invasive procedure. SkinPen is a great option for patients wanting to undergo a real transformation, with minimal recovery time and dependable results.

Safe, natural results that work for every skin type (yes, even yours!)
SkinPen was a revolution in microneedling. It was the first FDA-cleared microneedling device and is approved by Health Canada. In the past, dermarollers were used with a similar intention- but they were painful and uncomfortable, with debatable outcomes. SkinPen revolutionizes this process by using tiny needles that are disposed of after each use. Remodelling occurs when collagen production is stimulated deep within the skin. You won’t be able to get this treatment if you’re pregnant; SkinPen isn’t recommended for expectant or nursing mothers.

A real solution for acne scarring.
When skin is unable to regenerate tissue, an atrophic (depressed) acne scar can form. Depressed acne scars are exacerbated by a decrease in collagen production- leaving indentations in the skin that grow worse with time. A clinical trial found that 90% of patients noted an improvement in acne scarring with SkinPen skin remodelling. When collagen production ramps up, skin is restructured in a way that’s especially effective for indented scars. This helps restore an even texture and tone to your skin.

A more youthful you.
SkinPen Remodelling is an effective solution for aging concerns like fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin texture, and more. But why? As we age, our skin grows thinner and loses elasticity. A decrease in collagen and elastin production makes your skin more likely to fold and crease with wear. By stimulating cell turnover and collagen production, skin is rebuilt using a remodelling process your body is already trained to do; with long-lasting results that increase throughout the weeks following treatment.

More control, better results.
SkinPen devices let your practitioners set the depth of each treatment for careful, precise application. Results take time to appear as collagen and elastin production increases. A gradual skin rebuilding and remodelling process takes place over the weeks following treatment. These innovative devices give us advanced control over treatment and targeted areas, to prevent damage and maximize your comfort.

We’re not the only ones who love SkinPen Remodelling!
SkinPen microneedling is widely used on a global scale. We like to know that the treatments we offer are widely approved, endorsed, and proven. SkinPen is used in 35 countries and half a million treatments have been administered.

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