What to expect from a Brazilian butt lift. | Oakville Plastic Surgery – Dr. Nancy de Kleer


What to expect from a Brazilian butt lift.

A growing trend in cosmetic enhancement is butt augmentation, also known as the Brazilian butt lift. Celebrities like Jennifer Lopez have broadened beauty standards to include more curvaceous attributes – and now a round, plump derriere has become covetable. This beauty ideal is not realistic for those of us who may not have the genetic attributes to produce a voluminous butt. Cellulite, aging and weight loss can also take away from realizing the shape and proportion of the buttocks we’d prefer to have. For patients in the community of Oakville, a surgical butt augmentation procedure can produce the full, lifted and round shape they desire. Are you wondering if this cosmetic surgery is right for you? In this article we explain what you need to know about the Brazilian butt lift procedure.

What is a Brazilian butt lift?

A Brazilian butt lift is an augmentation procedure to enhance the size and shape of the gluteal region of the body.

What is involved in a butt augmentation procedure?

A thorough assessment of your anatomic condition will ascertain the required steps to achieve your aesthetic goals. There is a range of techniques that can be performed alone or in combination to produce an enhanced butt.

Addressing size.

For some patients, the main goal is to increase the size of their buttocks. If these patients have sufficient fat stores elsewhere, such as the stomach and thighs, this adipose tissue can be harvested and injected into the gluteal region. In this case, a liposuction and fat transfer procedure can be performed to enhance size.
For others who do not have excess fat for harvesting, a silicone implant can be inserted to create the desired shape, size and volume for the buttocks.

Addressing shape and tone.

Weight loss and aging can lead to loose skin that sags and droops, taking away from a smooth and rounded buttock shape. In this case, surgical incisions are made to access the excess skin and tighten, trim and redrape the underlying tissues for a firmer, lifted and rejuvenated shape.
A butt augmentation procedure can include one or all of the aforementioned techniques to achieve the desired aesthetic outcome that compliments your unique body shape and size.

What is the recovery like from a butt augmentation procedure?

The required recovery time will depend on the extensiveness of your butt augmentation procedure. Generally, a two-week time frame to heal before returning to non-strenuous activities can be expected. Bandages and compression garments aid in reducing swelling, promoting tissue healing and supporting the newly established shape. Surgical scars will fade over the months following the procedure, while the final aesthetic outcome arises up to a year later as the treated tissues heal and settle.

Fat transfer – using the patient’s own adipose tissue – is a highly successful technique as the risk of tissue rejection is lowered. There is however a percentage of the transferred fat that is metabolized by the body; therefore, the ultimate volume of the buttocks will be less at the final stage of the healing process.

Is a Brazilian butt lift right for you?

If you’re considering a cosmetic procedure to enhance your buttocks, the first step is to research and find your preferred surgeon. A consultation will help you to determine if you’re a candidate for butt augmentation surgery. All Oakville Plastic Surgery and Advanced Skincare cosmetic surgery procedures are performed by Dr. Nancy de Kleer, plastic surgeon. Dr. de Kleer offers consultations for a nominal fee, which can be applied towards your procedure. To arrange a consultation with Dr. de Kleer, call 905.901.9545 or email [email protected] to request an appointment.

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