Cosmetic surgery is a big step for anyone to take and involves much thought and consideration before a commitment is made. The process of researching and determining if a particular procedure is right for you can be riddled with conflicting messages and misinformation. In this article, we focus on the most popular cosmetic procedure – breast enhancement. There are plenty of outmoded conceptions about this surgery. We aim to debunk the most common ones here.
The biggest breast enhancement myths.
Silicone implants aren’t safe.
The debate over the safety and complications of first generation models of silicone implants does not hold true today. The silicone implants that are currently on the market have an excellent safety record. This, paired with their natural look and feel make them the primary implant choice for women undergoing breast augmentation.
Implants look fake.
Advances in implant technology as well as a trend towards a natural, frame-appropriate implant size have meant that intentionally overt breast augmentations are not as common. The majority of breast augmentation results are elegant and subtle, enhancing one’s overall beauty rather than drawing attention to the breasts alone.
Implants have to be big.
The ideal outcome of a breast enhancement procedure is a very personal choice. There are no hard and fast rules that apply to the size of the breast implants that are to be inserted. Your surgeon will analyze your proportions and natural frame to help you decide on the size and placement that is most complimentary to you.
Implants can change breast placement.
This is a common misconception with breast augmentation procedures. If the natural breast tissue has become loose and distended due to aging, pregnancy or weight loss, a breast lift procedure may be necessary in combination with the breast implant procedure. This will allow your surgeon to trim excess skin and tighten and redrape the muscle and skin tissue to create the desired lift and shape for the breasts.
Myths debunked – what is next?
Hopefully we’ve managed to deliver information that allays any concerns and helps you to make an informed decision when opting for a breast augmentation procedure.
The next step is to find a surgeon you would like to work with. Looking at credentials and before and after pictures will help you to narrow down your list of potential surgeons. From there, you can book a consultation. Generally, there is an applicable consultation fee that can be used towards your surgery should you choose to proceed. All Oakville Plastic Surgery and Advanced Skincare surgical procedures are performed by Dr. Nancy de Kleer at an accredited facility. To arrange a consultation, call 905.901.9545 or email [email protected].