Mommy Makeover | Restoring your pre-baby tummy. | Oakville Plastic Surgery – Dr. Nancy de Kleer


Mommy Makeover | Restoring your pre-baby tummy.

Becoming a mother is a truly beautiful gift. As incredible as the experience is, you may long to have the firm and toned abdomen you had prior to your bundle of joy arriving. The good news is that you can. An abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that can restore a smooth and toned texture and appearance to the tummy. For Moms in the community of Oakville who’d like to restore their pre-baby tummy, we explain everything you need to know about a ‘Mommy tuck’.

Why opt for a tummy tuck?

While the idea of undergoing surgery may seem daunting, there are several benefits that an abdominoplasty can provide to restore the youth and healthy functions of the skin and muscle tissues post-pregnancy. After giving birth, some women experience separated abdominal muscles, a problem called diastasis recti. This can result in the abdomen bowing out, giving the appearance of a pregnant belly even after weight loss. A tummy tuck can address this issue along with loose skin and excess fat that may be present.

What’s involved in an abdominoplasty procedure?

An abdominoplasty generally consists of a horizontal incision made between the navel and the pubic bone. The incision may be small or span the breadth of the hip bones. If the muscles have separated, the required techniques are more complex than when they are intact. Liposuction may also be employed to remove excess fat as required. The muscle and connective tissue is removed and tightened as needed and the skin is then trimmed and redraped for an aesthetically pleasing outcome. A surgical scar will result, but you’ll be fully informed on how to care for the incision post-procedure to minimize the visibility of the scar as much as possible.

What is the recovery like?

An abdominoplasty requires 10-14 days of recovery. The discomfort from the procedure can be more pronounced than with other cosmetic procedures given the stomach’s role in stability and movement. The recovery will also vary based on the techniques that are employed during the procedure. In cases where a less invasive ‘mini tuck’ is performed which only focuses on the ‘pooch’ of fat below the belly button, the recovery is speedier.

What are the results like?

It is important to have realistic expectations for the results of your tummy-tuck. Your surgeon will explain in detail what to expect from your procedure and design a surgical plan to achieve your desired outcome. The reality is that the abdomen will not be restored to its original form pre-pregnancy, but significant improvements can be attained. One thing to keep in mind is that a tummy tuck cannot address stretch marks for which you can elect to receive additional laser resurfacing treatments to improve.

Is a Mommy Makeover right for you?

The next step in exploring if an abdominoplasty is right for you is to schedule a surgical consultation. Dr. Nancy de Kleer performs all surgical procedures provided by Oakville Plastic Surgery and Advanced Skincare. During a professional consultation with Dr. de Kleer your health and medical history will be assessed to determine your candidacy for surgery. Dr. de Kleer will answer all of your questions, address your concerns and discuss the most suitable tummy tuck treatment plan for you. There is a nominal fee for all surgical consultations that can be applied towards your procedure. To arrange an appointment with Dr. de Kleer, call 905.901.9545 or email [email protected].

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