Should You Get Surgery? | Oakville Plastic Surgery – Dr. Nancy de Kleer


Should You Get Surgery?

It’s the perfect time to plan a summer surgery. But is surgery right for you? 

Maybe you’ve seen a friend undergo surgery with great results, or seen a procedure that seems like it could be a good fit for you. Surgery can be a life-changing and life-affirming choice, but it’s also a big decision. We’re passionate about matching our clients with the strategies that let them look and feel their best. That’s why we’ve put this little guide together to help you explore options based on your concerns. Knowing all of our options can equip you to choose the right treatment, procedure or surgery that feels right for you.

Here’s how you can establish the best treatment or surgical plan for your goals.

Start with the concern, or the change you want to make.

What’s your reason for seeking a surgical solution? Once you establish the problem or concern that you have, you’ll be able to find support and a solution that works for you. Instead of starting with “I need a facelift,” start with “I don’t like having saggy skin.” You might be surprised at how a non-surgical option can be just as effective as a surgery. On the other hand, you may feel intimidated by surgery but not realize how effective and simple some surgical solutions can be. 

Let’s explore surgical and non-surgical solutions for some popular concerns.

Concern: Stubborn pockets of fat on the body

Surgical Solutions for excess fat can offer an incredibly effective way to get rid of stubborn belly or body fat. During a liposuction procedure, a cannula (narrow tube) is used to suction away fat deposits. At Oakville Plastic Surgery we use innovative techniques to target fat deposits with minimal swelling and bruising following surgery.

Read more about liposuction here.

Non-invasive treatment option:

CoolSculpting to freeze away fat in hard-to-reach areas.


Concern: Hanging skin on the face or jawline, or a double chin

If you’re concerned about deep folds along your chin or jaw line, or excess skin or fat on your neck, you may be considering a facelift. Dr. Nancy de Kleer uses a sophisticated approach to evoke a natural outcome with beautiful results when it comes to facelift, brow lift, or eye lift procedures. Smaller, fewer incisions and expert technique allow for a refreshed, natural, more youthful appearance.

Read more about Facelifts here

Non-invasive treatment options:

  • Thermage® offers skin tightening and contouring for most parts of the body, but it’s most commonly used on the eyes, jawlines, and cheeks to target loose or hanging skin.
  • Belkyra® or fat lypolysis targets a double chin with an injectable treatment that breaks down fat cells to create a more pronounced and contoured jawline.

Concern: Hanging skin on the body, cellulite

A body lift uses a combination of surgical procedures to lift and tighten loose and hanging skin or fat on the body. Body lifts are often effective for patients who have lost weight and are bothered by the excess skin that remains. Body lifts firm and refine the body shape to address hanging skin surgically for long-lasting results that can restore lost confidence.

Concern: A gaunt or hollow appearance 

If you’re concerned about a gaunt or hollow appearance, consider a fat transfer to surgically restore youthful fullness or dermal fillers to renew volume. A fat transfer allows your surgeon to restore volume by moving excess fat from an undesired area to a targeted area needing more fullness or volume.

Read more about fat transfers here.

Non-invasive treatment option:

Dermal Fillers are injectable solutions that restore lost volume and fullness to the face, hands, or other parts of the body for a more youthful look. Fillers can add shape and beautiful contours.

Concern: Breast size, shape, or proportions

Breast augmentation provides surgical solutions for breast concerns. Here are some surgical options to explore:

We’re here to help you navigate all of your surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatment options. Book a consultation and let’s explore the possibilities together.


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