Confident and Empowered: Your Comprehensive Guide to Breast Surgery | Oakville Plastic Surgery – Dr. Nancy de Kleer


Confident and Empowered: Your Comprehensive Guide to Breast Surgery

Confident and Empowered: Your Comprehensive Guide to Breast Augmentation

If you’ve been considering breast augmentation, get ready to embark on a transformative journey that has helped countless individuals enhance their natural beauty and embrace their bodies with newfound confidence. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll address common questions and concerns about breast augmentation; including breast implants, breast lift surgery, breast asymmetry, recovery, and gynecomastia.

A breast lift, as seen in these before and after shots, can renew the appearance of tired-looking or low hanging breasts.
A breast lift, as seen in these before and after shots, can renew the appearance of tired-looking or low hanging breasts.

What is breast augmentation? 

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. It involves the placement of breast implants, which can be filled with either silicone gel or saline solution. The choice of implant type will depend on individual preferences and the recommendations of your plastic surgeon. 

Breast implants: Achieving your desired aesthetic 

Breast implants play a crucial role in breast augmentation, allowing patients to achieve their desired shape and size. At Oakville Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety of implant options tailored to meet your unique goals. These include: 

Silicone gel implants
If you’re seeking a natural look and feel, silicone gel implants are a fantastic choice. They closely resemble the texture of natural breast tissue, providing a soft and realistic result. With silicone gel implants, you can achieve a beautifully proportioned and balanced look that enhances your overall figure. 

Saline implants
On the other hand, if adjustability is important to you, saline implants might be the answer. These implants are filled with a sterile saline solution, which can be adjusted during surgery to achieve your desired volume. Saline implants offer flexibility and allow for modifications if necessary, providing you with the opportunity to fine-tune the size and shape of your new breasts.

Here's an example of how breast implants can fill out the breast area and take you up a cup size with natural-looking results.
Here’s an example from our Oakville clinic of how breast implants can fill out the breast area and take you up a cup size with natural-looking results.

Breast asymmetry: Restoring balance 

Many individuals experience breast asymmetry, where one breast is larger or shaped differently than the other. Breast augmentation can help address this issue, creating a harmonious balance and symmetry. Our article on breast asymmetry explores this topic further, delving into the causes of breast asymmetry and the available treatment options. 

Should I get a breast lift? 

A breast lift can restore your breasts to a more youthful, alert-looking position. Here's a result from a real patient at Oakville Plastic Surgery.
A breast lift can restore your breasts to a more youthful, alert-looking position. Here’s a result from a real patient at Oakville Plastic Surgery.

In addition to breast implants, some individuals may benefit from a breast lift in conjunction with augmentation. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is designed to lift and reshape sagging breasts, restoring a more youthful and perky appearance. This procedure can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have experienced changes in breast shape. 

Factors such as pregnancy, weight loss, and the natural aging process can cause breasts to lose volume and shape over time. Breast lifts can enhance breast shape, providing a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Our breast lift resource provides detailed information on the procedure, the various techniques involved, and what to expect during recovery. 

More common questions and answers about breast augmentation 

Before undergoing any surgical procedure, it’s natural to have concerns and questions and breast augmentation is no exception. Let’s address some common concerns that individuals may have before embarking on their breast augmentation journey. 

Is breast augmentation safe? 

Safety is a top priority when considering any surgical procedure. It’s important to choose a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, like those at Oakville Plastic Surgery, who prioritize patient safety. During your consultation, your surgeon will explain the procedure in detail, discuss potential risks and complications, and address any concerns you may have. They will ensure that you are well-informed and feel confident in your decision. 

Will my breasts look natural after augmentation?

Achieving natural-looking results is a common concern for individuals considering breast augmentation. Rest assured that advancements in surgical techniques and implant technology have made it possible to achieve incredibly natural results. Your plastic surgeon will take into account your body proportions, existing breast tissue, and desired outcome to create a customized treatment plan that will enhance your natural beauty. They will guide you in determining the right implant type, size, and placement to achieve the most natural-looking results possible. 

Breast augmentation with implants can elevate your breasts several cup sizes with a beautiful, natural-looking result. Here's a patient example from our Oakville clinic.
Breast augmentation with implants can elevate your breasts several cup sizes with a beautiful, natural-looking result. Here’s a patient example from our Oakville clinic.

Will there be visible scars after breast augmentation?

Scarring is a valid concern for many individuals considering breast augmentation. However, skilled plastic surgeons employ techniques to minimize scarring and make it as inconspicuous as possible. Incisions are strategically placed in inconspicuous areas, such as the natural creases of the breasts or around the areolas. Additionally, your surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions on scar care and recommend products that can help minimize their appearance over time. 

Recovery after breast augmentation 

Understanding the recovery process after breast augmentation is crucial for a successful outcome. While individual experiences may vary, it is important to allow yourself ample time to heal and adjust to your new implants. Immediately after surgery, you may experience some swelling, discomfort, and temporary restrictions on physical activities. 

However, with proper post-operative care and following your surgeon’s instructions, you can minimize discomfort and facilitate a smooth recovery. To learn more about what to expect during the recovery period, our article on recovery after breast implants offers valuable insights and guidance. 

Gynecomastia: is there a surgery for men who have excess chest tissue?

Men of all ages undergo gynecomastia to remove exccess tissue on the chest and improve confidence in suits, tshirts, jackets, or shirtless at the lake in the summer.Yes. Gynecomastia is a common condition characterized by the enlargement of male breast tissue. This can cause self-consciousness and negatively impact confidence levels in men who want a smoother, flatter-looking chest. At Oakville Plastic Surgery, we offer male breast reduction surgery, also known as gynecomastia surgery, to address this concern for men who are looking to feel more confident with the appearance of their chest. Our resource on gynecomastia provides a comprehensive overview of the condition, its causes, and the surgical techniques employed to restore a more masculine chest contour. 

Psychological and emotional well-being 

The emotional and psychological benefits of breast augmentation should not be underestimated. Many individuals report feeling a sense of empowerment, improved body image, and a boost in overall mental well-being after breast implant surgery. Knowing that you have taken control of your appearance and achieved the look you desire can provide a significant emotional uplift and a newfound sense of happiness and contentment.

We’re here to support you along your breast augmentation journey 

It’s completely normal to have concerns before undergoing breast augmentation. By consulting with a knowledgeable and compassionate plastic surgeon, addressing your specific concerns, and understanding the procedure and its potential outcomes, you can make an informed decision and embark on your breast augmentation journey with confidence. 

At Oakville Plastic Surgery, we are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that your concerns are addressed and your desired results are achieved. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and have all your questions answered.

At Oakville Plastic Surgery, we love making our patients feel comfortable and confident at every step of their journey

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