An Oakville Plastic Surgery patient shares her treatment experience.
We love it when patients share their experiences and successes with treatments they’ve had at Oakville Plastic Surgery. Many of our patients have tried BELKYRA®—a customized contouring treatment for the area under the jawline—and loved their results. Today, one of those patients has kindly agreed to share her experience.
It seemed like every time I took a photo (especially a selfie!), I focused on my double chin. The more I noticed it, the more I hated it. I didn’t have the worst double chin, but I definitely had one and I wanted to see it go.
I started to research my treatment options online and I came across something interesting. It was called BELKYRA®, an injectable treatment approved for treating a double chin (technically referred to as submental fullness). The part that intrigued me the most was that the results are permanent! Amazing!
My next step was finding a reputable place to have my treatment. I decided to put my trust in a plastic surgery clinic, so that I could be sure that I was dealing with a doctor or nurse who is very well-trained and experienced.
Once I decided on Oakville Plastic Surgery, I scheduled a consultation with Cheryl, their Nurse Injector, to learn more about the treatment and what to expect in terms of recovery and results. Cheryl let me know that BELKYRA® is comprised of deoxycolic acid, which is a naturally-derived molecule that metabolizes dietary fat. She also let me know that I could expect some swelling for a few days following treatment, so I brought a pretty scarf with me to my appointment.
I was nervous before my first treatment, but the procedure itself was pretty straightforward and over before I knew it! First, a numbing cream was applied to the treatment area, which was then marked with a tattoo guide to ensure the injections were done perfectly. I iced the area while Cheryl prepared the treatment.
The injections took less than two minutes to complete; I felt a slight pinch and a sensation of the area tightening, but it wasn’t long before the sensation dissipated. I iced the area again, but did see some swelling immediately (I’m told this means the treatment is working!), which lasted about 3 or 4 days.
Before I left, we scheduled an appointment for my second treatment 8 weeks after the first, and the second treatment made an even bigger difference. I love my results!
If you’re curious about BELKYRA®, book a personal, private consultation with Cheryl today!