Botox® for hyperhidrosis. | Oakville Plastic Surgery – Dr. Nancy de Kleer


Botox® for hyperhidrosis.

Feel fresh and stay dry this summer.

While the long Ontario winter has us looking forward to warmer, sun-filled days ahead, the heat and humidity can be cause for anxiety for those of us who suffer from excessive sweating. Whether it’s from the scalp, under the arms, or the palms of the hands, the anticipation of a wet brow, soaked-through clothing or a damp hand shake can put a cloud over how we feel in social situations.

While medication and prescription strength antiperspirants can do much to lessen the symptoms of hyperhidrosis, therapeutic treatments with Botox® are a great alternative or complement to these traditional solutions.

How does Botox® for hyperhidrosis work?

A few quick injections at the site of the sweat glands temporarily block the chemical messenger that is sent to your sympathetic nerves; thus the signal for your sweat glands to produce sweat is disrupted.

  • The longevity of these results will depend on how quickly your body metabolizes the treatment, but can anticipate a reduction in excessive sweat for up to 6 months.
  • In some cases, this treatment may be covered by extended health insurance. Check with your provider to confirm your eligibility.

Stay dry, feel confident, enjoy life.

If excessive sweating has put a literal damper on your daily life, we invite you to visit us for a hyperhidrosis consultation and treatment. Give us a call 905.901.9545 or email [email protected] to arrange your appointment today.

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