Upper Blepharoplasty: Eyelid Surgery Facts and 101 | Oakville Plastic Surgery – Dr. Nancy de Kleer


Upper Blepharoplasty: Eyelid Surgery Facts and 101

a woman looks off camera with a pink flower on her shoulder

What can upper blepharoplasty do for me?

Our eyes are one of the first places to show signs of aging.

The delicate skin around our eyes is one of the first places to show signs of aging. As we age, collagen and elastin production slow down and the delicate eye area may crease, wrinkle, or sag. Environmental factors, sun damage, hereditary factors, and natural aging all contribute to a more tired-looking eye area. An eye lift (blepharoplasty) can provide a solution to refresh the eye area in a way that dermal fillers and neuromodulators can’t.

What is upper blepharoplasty surgery?

An eyelift, also known as blepharoplasty, surgically addresses eye concerns like sagging skin on or around the eyes, under-eye bags, or drooping eyelids. This surgical procedure can be an effective solution to “wake up” the eye area. An upper blepharoplasty or eye lift addresses puffy, hanging or loose skin on the upper eyelids. Some patients come to us for purely cosmetic reasons, while others seek eyelid surgery because sagging eyelids are impacting their ability to see clearly, or are causing discomfort. This commonly performed procedure tightens and reduces excess fat in a custom procedure that addresses your unique eye concerns.

Why do my eyes show signs of aging?

The way your eyes look is often hereditary, but a variety of factors can cause damage and exacerbate the aging process. Harmful UV rays can cause sun damage, and environmental factors can damage the delicate eye area skin. Skin may hang or sag as collagen and elastin production depletes over time. A natural loss of volume or muscle density can also change the appearance of the face, and fat deposits can shift over time. Little habits like rubbing your eyes or tugging at them can exacerbate signs of aging or laxity in the eye area. 

Why consider blepharoplasty?

An eyelift or blepharoplasty is a straightforward, transformative procedure with lasting results. Medical-grade skincare products and injectable solutions can help address wrinkles, lines, and lost volume in tear troughs –– but excess skin or loose tissue can be difficult to effectively resolve without surgery. 

A woman shields her face from the sun coming in through the window.

Okay, I’m ready to get started and I think an eyelift could be right for me. How do I begin the surgical process?

Your surgical journey starts with a thorough consultation. This is a place to ask questions, get answers, and explore outcomes with your surgical team. Plastic surgeon Dr. Nancy de Kleer will provide a health assessment in Oakville and examine your eye area, reviewing concerns and the areas you’re hoping to target with blepharoplasty. Your consultation is also a great time to talk about what the surgery is like; we’ll discuss anaesthetic or sedation options and establish all the little details that will make your surgical experience great. 

What is the surgical process like for blepharoplasty?

Your surgeon should clearly outline what you can expect from the surgical experience at every step of the process. This will include pre-operative care, the details of your surgery, and aftercare and followup. Your eyes are unique, so each upper blepharoplasty is specific to your needs. Those with heavy eyelids or sagging skin on the upper eye area may require different surgical techniques than those seeking a more subtle solution. The incisions for an upper and lower blepharoplasty are generally placed in the eyelid crease, along the lower lash line, or inside the lower eyelid to reduce visibility or scarring. Using this incision point, muscle, fat, and skin tissue is removed, trimmed, repositioned, or redraped to create a more smooth eye area. 


What results can I expect from upper eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery can effectively remove hanging skin or fat from the eye area, resulting in a smoother, firmer, more well rested appearance. Patients often look more well-rested, and upper blepharoplasty can address the tired or sad-looking illusion that a heavy upper lid projects.

Check out these beautiful surgical results on a 46-year-old surgical patient of Dr. de Kleer’s.
The first photo is before surgery, and the second is 8 weeks after a blepharoplasty (eye lift) procedure at Oakville Plastic Surgery.


What is blepharoplasty recovery like?

Inflammation is common after surgery, so ice packs will be applied immediately following surgery and intermittently over the following days to reduce swelling and bruising. You might notice more teardrops than usual in the weeks after surgery, even after swelling subsides; this is normal and tends to subside over time. Our surgical team is passionate about making your surgical experience comfortable and clear at every step of the process, so you’ll know exactly what to expect and how to heal effectively.

Will I need to book time off work for eyelift surgery?

You need your eyes for everything you do, so you’ll want to book a few days off after eyelift surgery. You’ll also need to refrain from reading, watching television, or even simple exercise like walking, until your eyes have had 2-3 days to heal. Avoid strenuous activities for 2-3 weeks to give your eye area a chance to fully recover – then you can enjoy your results.

What is aftercare for upper blepharoplasty like?

The fine stitches applied during surgery can usually be removed after one week of healing, and Dr. de Kleer will walk you through all the aftercare instructions used to reduce scarring, and optimize recovery, comfort, and beautiful results. A full eyelift recovery generally takes several weeks, at which point swelling and side effects subside and your eyes should look normal so you can begin to enjoy the results. Some subtle surgical scars may remain for a few months, fading over time. Carefully follow and review aftercare instructions to ensure that your scars fade effectively and your eyes heal beautifully.

How long is eyelid surgery?

The surgical process itself takes 1-2 hours, so it’s a relatively fast surgery with tiny, careful incisions. The nuances of your eyelid surgery will determine the exact amount of time. You’ll be able to head home following surgery.


Surgery at Oakville Plastic Surgery

Dr. Nancy de Kleer is well respected by both her peers and patient community for her surgical skill, competence, experience, and thoughtful care. The team here is passionate about helping make your goals a reality; with surgical solutions that get you the outcome you’ve been hoping for. All surgeries are performed by a highly skilled surgical staff with decades of experience, in a fully accredited surgical facility right here in Oakville, Ontario.

Read more about Dr. de Kleer here.


How can I elongate the results of my upper eyelift and protect my eye area?

If you’ve had blepharoplasty or are looking to exercise prevention in the eye area, it’s important to treat your eye area with even more care than you would other parts of the face. The area around your eyes is incredibly thin, like tissue paper, and should be treated just as delicately. When you’re putting on an eye serum, tap gently with your finger to increase circulation and avoid pulling or rubbing your eyes. Stay well hydrated to improve blood flow and consider taking collagen supplements to help offset the collagen we lose with age. If you’re noticing indentations or recessed tear troughs, consider dermal fillers to restore lost volume for a more well rested look. If you notice wrinkles like crow’s feet, neuromodulators can relax the muscles that cause creases around the eyes.     

Ask your surgeon about other ways to protect and maintain a healthy, beautiful eye area.

Ready to begin an eye-opening journey?

Book a consultation for upper blepharoplasty today.

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